(Some of these Barbies might be there...)
or maybe THIS ONE:
or maybe THIS KEN???
* * * it's at 5pm, rain or shine inside studio 34.
i'm your host, Barbie.
find me and the play starts. * * * * ******
-- hhaa you're so silly, this is the barbie party! there are no rules! all you have to do is be a barbie OR a ken. or an allan?? i think a devon might be there, or denver ... ? idk ! you are barbie so all you need to do is show up and be the barbie that you are
-- PLEASE treat every person and item in the space with respect.
-- look first before touching, approach slowly, dont touch ANY barbie toy or barbie OR KEN without asking first. we are here to play but the play must be safe.
-- barbies keep each other safe. come with someone you trust or find someone there who will watch ur back. if you cant find someone just know that *THIS* barbie is wathcing out for you (the juice box barbie). kens take care of barbies, barbies take care of kens, kens take care of sandras, sandras take care of mangoes, … you get the point, right?
-- you may choose to bring an item that reminds you of barbie and play with it in any way you would like. if you see a barbie toy you like that already belongs to someone, you could ask the barbie it belongs to if it's okay to borrow it
but if they say NO that means NO. right, ken?
-- if you see a barbie there and you think it might be "yours" maybe it.. is yours.
you know, sometimes, you know when,,,,,,
when you turn something over and it turns out to have your NAME written on it?
or your favorite flower?
and thats a sign that that is like YOUR barbie?
you should listen to that.
but be EXYTRA CAREFIUL that it doesn't already belong to a kenn, or a kendall, or a matthew, or even a GRETCHEN, okay?--
-- and by the way, no one in this space is UGLY because NO BARBIES are ugly. even the UGLIEST ken you've ever seen is a baby bear to someone, or a duckling or maybe a chick that just came outta a egg.
-- come and go as you please,
but clean up after yourself. use items mindfully, use what you need, clean it, and put it back in its proper space when the party is over. if you don't know where it goes, ask the ice queen barbie! it's her castle after all, so she knows every hiding spot